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Membership Subscriptions for 2024-2025 including GST

Club rules allow for proportional membership

Life members Free but $25 if want to keep racing
Senior Member $240
Senior Member (pair of spouses) $300
If one spouse is a Life Member then the other pays 50% of the Senior fee $120
Senior Member over 70 years on the date of subscription or a member on a Australian Disability Pension pay 75% of the Senior fee $180
Senior (pair spouses) both over 70 years pay 75% $225
Family Members, Children under 18 $300
Sailability Sailing day cost $10
Sailability Corporation shall pay a negotiated fee between 100% and 300% of the Senior fee
Crewing member $100 – first season only
Junior 18 and under $80
Full time tertiary students under 23 years pay 50% of Senior fee $120
Sailpass Temporary Membership is available to non-members and is limited to three visits.
Skippers are reminded that crew are allowed to sail three (3) races as non-members & if exceeded, automatic disqualification and loss of points for that particular race will occur.
Race Fees: Members $0
Visitors $10 per race
Sailability Casual $10 per race

Boat Storage

Under Cover Security Yard
Boats & Trailers $150 $120
Sailboards $35 $15

Further enquiries please contact the Treasurer or Secretary or email